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Our Precautions During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Access to the TLC facility is strictly limited to our enrolled children and current employees. Parents are asked to proceed no further than the entrance hallway until we can have our procedural questions answered and the child's temperature taken. Of course, any cause for concern will necessitate the prohibition of entrance to our facility until medical assessment can be made by a qualified healthcare professional, and a signed release is provided to our staff.  Temperatures are monitored constantly during each school day.

We require strict adherence the CDC guidelines for personal hygiene, and handwashing is required upon entry into the facility, and observed multiple times per day.

We have significantly stepped up our routine cleaning of our facilities to mitigate against any potential spread of contaminants.

It is a requirement that children be limited to their classroom environment only. Combining classes is prohibited.

We also remain committed to the guidelines established by the Virginia Department of Social Services.

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